He’s A Family Guy #356: Trump Guy

Trump Guy was first broadcasted on January 13, 2019 with a script by Patrick Meighan and directed by Joe Vaux.

Peter’s fake news career advances and he moves the family to Washington, D.C. to become Donald Trump’s new White House Press Secretary. Things go south when Peter finds Donald sexually harassing Meg as she earlier claimed, following her encounter with Ivanka Trump.

Goddammit, I hate this episode so friggin’ much, I hate it so much because the entire episode’s point of existence is to remind people that, “hey, Trump is president, so here’s our sack of table scrap jokes that aren’t even remotely funny and we’re gonna do an entire 22 minute episode on just those jokes.”

The entire episode is literally nothing but Trump jokes and lazy Trump jokes, jokes that we’ve seen done to death over and over again like hey, do you guys remember when Trump said he wanted to bang his daughter? Well, here’s an entire storyline about that? You know how Trump looks like an oompa loompa? Here’s a subplot about that.

You know how some people on Family Guy hate Bob’s Burgers? Yeah, it’s not a Trump joke but fuck it, let’s criticize Bob’s Burgers for its’ animation that “looks like it was animated in a moving car” and the fact that it has more Emmys than us….like, seriously, the people who write for Family Guy must have this pure hatred for Bob’s Burgers because they are just relentless with their bashing on Bob’s Burgers. In fact, let’s take a look at that “moving car” animation they’re talking about…

Yeah, REAL moving car animation there, guys.

I mean, to their credit, they’ve been a little more relaxed on them as of late, even in this last season, they’ve kind of acknowledged Bob’s Burgers is better than them so at least, the bridges aren’t burning as much as they did back then because they are ruthless in the first several years of Bob’s Burgers’ run.

Oh, and if that wasn’t enough to show how lazy and uninspired this episode is, let’s have a chicken fight style showdown between Peter and Trump because this is what the whole episode has been building up to…..you know good and goddamn well, why that was put in there, FILLER!!!! Nothing but filler to make it stretched out to 22 minutes, it’s pathetic.

The entire episode is absolutely pathetic, it’s nothing but the leftover safe and sanitized Trump jokes the writers had left behind and just put it together into an unfunny and annoying half hour that is up there with some of Family Guy’s absolute worst episodes.

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