He’s A Family Guy #398: Fecal Matters

Fecal Matters was first broadcasted on January 17, 2021 with a script by Artie Johann and directed by Mike Kim & Dominic Bianchi.

Peter volunteers as a nurse in the hospital when he is the only Griffin to not catch the flu during an outbreak. He is confronted by a moral dilemma when he learns that his longtime enemy, Ernie the Giant Chicken, is on his deathbed after refusing to take the vaccine for “chicken cancer”, which also caused his wife to leave him for a bigger rooster. Peter eventually decides to save him, not wanting to take full responsibility for the destruction caused by their many fights and believing that having a nemesis makes his own life more exciting. Meanwhile, Brian takes a 23andMe test and learns that he is 1% cat, making him question his lifestyle. After Brian gets severely injured in a failed attempt to land on his feet trying to prove his claim to Quagmire, Stewie assures Brian that his genetic makeup does not matter, as long as others appreciate him for who he is.

Honestly, the best moments of the episode is the first 10 minutes when Peter goes around town during a quarantine of the flu, which I don’t know if Family Guy did this after or before the COVID pandemic took place but coincidental timing on their part.

I really like how Peter did all the things we wish we could do if everything shut down, I mean, look at this…

I don’t really know if it’s physically possible to drive a car in a grocery store like that, maybe at a Sam’s Club or Costco, but what driving skills by Peter and I liked the little callback to a previous Family Guy joke with Where Have All The Cowboys Gone from the second Star Wars special.

After the first ten minutes though, the episode kind of falls off as the story doesn’t really do a whole lot to make up the rest of the runtime and a story about the chicken guy and Peter where they don’t have a long fight should be interesting but it’s surprisingly not.

After the first 10 minutes, the episode falls flat and ends up being a mostly mediocre outing for this one.

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